
We are located at 384 Grout Hill Road in Acworth, NH 03601. Acworth is a small (population about 900) town in the hills just east of the Connecticut River valley at the southern boundary of Sullivan County. First permanently settled in 1768, it was and continues to be, a largely rural community supported by agriculture and forest products. The old town center is distinguished by some fine colonial and federal architecture especially its magnificent 1820 Meetinghouse.

At this time visitors to the garden are welcome by appointment Fridays through Sundays (May through October) from 10 AM to 4 PM.

The gardens are located on a southeastern slope in the eastern part of the town at an elevation of about 1300 ft. Our soils are a mostly an acidic sandy loam of low natural fertility. Minimum winter temperatures are usually about minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit although lower readings are not uncommon.

Over decades, the gardens have served as a venue and destination for many fundraising events, garden club visits, plant society meetings, and as a showcase for visiting horticulturalists unfamiliar with the garden flora of our area.