Our collections include a wide range of trees, shrubs, herbaceous, perennials, ground covers, and seasonal annuals in the gardens and in containers. Collections of special interest include conifers, rhododendrons and azaleas, Hemerocallis, and Primulas.
old foundation garden with malus sargentii (background) Rainbow vista looking east Fagus, Malus, and old foundation garden looking east Conifers and Fagus looking northeast late fall vista looking east Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseo-marginata’ Mid-summer vista looking east
Remarkable specimen plants include; a weeping European Beech, a contorted European Beech, a golden weeping European Beech, a Tri-color European Beech (Fagus sylvatica pendula, F.s.
The Arboretum in the pasture contains additional Fagus cultivars, conifers, Quercus in variety, an Aesculus collection, a Gymnocladus dioica (Kentucky Coffee Tree), other Magnolias, a variegated Liriodendron, and much more.